Monday, January 10, 2005

Xanga rhymes with Tapanga

Carn-dogg gave me the link to her Xanga about a week ago, and I noticed the little "comments" link under her post and decided it'd be cool to leave a comment for my pal Linzeroo. Well, first of all...that is awesome. How come Blogger didn't give me the option of a "comments" link under every post? Anywho... I wrote a comment, only to find that it could not be posted unless I created a Xanga account. So I jumped through the hoop and created an account. After going through that trouble, I might as well give it a try, right? Well, I posted on my Xanga and basically said that I would never post again. It so happens, though, that Xanga provides another amazing feature that I think we Bloggers should rally for...the "currently listening to" option. For every post, you can choose any CD (or book, I think) that you are listening to. They have a huge database, and it even puts a little picture of the album cover at the top of your post. I thought that was nifty. Can I have a fancy little album cover pictures, too, Blogger?

Over and out.

~BLIBBY (Carner, that one's for you, and B-Gray too if you ever read this)

Second song of the day: "In Christ Alone" - Newsboys' version

1 comment:

Libby said...

Bob Bob Bob... You underestimate me. SURE, it's 3 months later. But I checked it, didn't I? :)