Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Droopy Eyelids

Late-night blogging must be a strange form of self torment. Right now I am so tired, but I don't want to sleep quite yet. So what do I do? Blog. Why? Perhaps it provides an outlet for some of my thoughts, or maybe it's just a place to document my experiences. Either way... I enjoy my little orange blog, whether or not people actually read it. :)

Well, I've been in Belize for almost three weeks, and I will return to the overcast, frozen Chagrin Falls, Ohio next week. When I'm not here, I forget all of the little things about this place that I love so much. However, it all comes back to me so quickly. I love the gentle breeze, which feels like the humid air is being poured over my skin. I love lying down on the bow of our boat, looking straight ahead and motioning for my dad to go faster as we cut through the beautiful blueish-teal water (which my mom calls "blue jello"). I love snorkeling at the reef. Oddly enough, I feel at home there amongst the endless varieties of creatures that I have known most of my life. I love the hot sun and the bright blue sky. I love to the puffy white clouds, each of which has its own unique form. I love the sound of the breeze rustling in the palm trees and the sound of the reef and waves, which I wake up to every morning.

I don't love the bugs. But unfortunately, they REALLY love me right now. This computer screen is attracting them, so I'm gonna sign off for the night. Adios peeps.

~L Gree

Song of the day: "I Know Who You Are" - Ginny Owens

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