Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nature's Roller Coaster

I was bred to live, learn, and love marine life. As children, my brothers and I spent our days in the water and our nights watching the fish tank in our living room, which was full of creatures we'd caught in the wild. The first time I snorkeled I knew the reef was something special; and since that first shot of awe, my appreciation for beauty has continued to mature.

The roar of waves crashing on the reef...
The soft sea breeze pouring over me as our boat tears through the water...
Bright colors...
Puffy clouds...
An approaching rain shower presenting itself as a white wall...
The diversity of marine life...
Orangey-pink sunsets...
Starry nights...
They take my breath away.

And that pretty much sums up our trip to Turneffe with the Carlsons. It was memorable, to say the least. But more notably, this trip afforded me the opportunity to discover a new passion... Sailing. There's nothing like sailing in 10-12 foot swells. You feel minuscule. And you are, compared to the waves. Unlike hiking the grand canyon or climbing any mountain, the boater (or "sailor") interacts with each wave. You're tossed every which way. So all you need is sea legs (i.e. balance and lack of seasickness) to enjoy an incredible ride. Sailing is the ultimate boating experience.

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