Friday, January 26, 2007

Multiple Choice: Why haven't I been writing?

(a) Now that Joe has a blog and is writing everyday, I've regressed back to blog slackerdom. Joe does a great job of describing life here in Belize, so I don't need to...right?

(b) Sometimes I come up with a great chain of thoughts and decide to share that insight, but by the time I sit down to write, it's gone. Oh well. Someday, people, someday...

(c) I've been living on an island* for almost two months. Enough said.

(d) All of the above.

If you answered (d), then give yourself a pat on the back.

Let's just hope March brings better writing. :)


Anonymous said...

lol. considering that we both tell Becky J. (formerly of S.) to write, I had guess we'd better. ;). Nway, I just found your blog thru hers & since it's public, yeah it's fun to read.:) I am one of her little sisters-in-law. she makes me feel old....i have a sister-in-law already. lol. oh well. she's one of the coolest people ever. Now if we could only get her to update her blog...

Libby said...

haha, yay jones family!! i think i actually met you once at a gcc soccer game, lol, but you probably don't remember that. :)