Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ohio State is to Beast as Michigan is to Victim

It's that time of year again... Time for my annual Thanksgiving rant about the weather. These posts are pretty ironic, considering the occasion, but maybe this one will be a breath of fresh air.

As I looked back and read my Thanksgiving posts from last year and two years ago, I noted two improvements:

1. It's not snowing this time around. I like that. Instead of snow, we're experiencing Cleveland's version of "sunny" and about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). And this makes me happy, as long as I don't acknowledge my plummeting standards.
End: weather.
And noooow some introspection...

2. Judging by those old posts, I feel more thankful this year... Thankful that I'm not spending this winter in freezing, grey Cleveland. Thankful for a loving, supportive, and fun family. Thankful for friends that are worth crossing state lines for on a weekly basis...friends whom I will miss dearly during our three month separation. And last but definitely not least, I'm thankful that this life is just a shadow of what's to come for those who know and truly believe in Jesus Christ. Nothing compares to that...that hope, that relationship, that Savior. Yet I often find myself distracted from what really matters......that.

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