Friday, October 06, 2006

Did you know?

Citgo Petroleum Corporation is a subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., the Venezuelan state-owned petroleum company.

Now remember Hugo Chávez's UN address a couple weeks ago. The Venezuelan president's fallacious claims and vehement anti-US propaganda echoed throughout the world. I, for one - with that in mind - will pass Citgo gas stations as long as they belong to the Venezuelan government and head to the nearest competitor.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, plan to strike up a conversation about Noam Chomsky with every Citgo gas station worker.

Anonymous said...

why does the fact that Chavez is anti-American have anything to do with where I buy my gas?

I don't ask my grocer if he is Democrat or Republican. I don't ask my butcher if he is pro-life or pro-choice. I don't care if my car dealer is gay or straight.

I, for one, will pass up any competitor for whoever has the cheapest gas price.

Charles Joseph Urlacher said...

I agree, Hugo Chavez is a repulsive piece of shiite, and the thought of lining his pockets with my money makes me want to puke.

Libby said...

I'm all about free market economics: I like Walmart and don't really care about outsourced jobs.

However, I'm disgusted enough by Hugo Chavez to pay a few extra cents per gallon.

Anonymous said...

i'd like to see a blog entry on why you are disgusted by Hugo Chavez.

Libby said...

Three reasons why I dislike Hugo Chavez:

1. He openly aligns himself with North Korea.
2. He aspires to become a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement.
3. He supports Iran.