Friday, October 07, 2005

The Superior Sport

This year my brother Brian is a freshman at GCC, and I've really enjoyed having him here! In the past three years, I had only played catch on campus a handful of times. I didn't know any girls at Grove City who would've been interested in playing catch, and I didn't want to ask guys. But now that my little brother's here, I can play catch all the time!!
(Playing catch is merely one of many benefits of having Brian here)

I love baseball. In my mind, it's in a league of it's own: no other sport can compare. While baseball can be boring to watch, this sport is so fun to play. Baseball involves a variety of skills. Throwing, catching, and batting barely scratch the surface... Smart base-running and fielding depend upon instantaneous judgments that require a deep understanding of what is going on in the game, and there's still so much more. Team sports in general should be distinguished from individual sports. Sure, a swim team is a team, but each swimmer's performance doesn't directly relate to and depend on his teammates'. Team sports involve an interdependence and comradery that individual sports do not. And from my experience, baseball is the best of the team sports. My brother Joe, on the other hand, asserts that football is just as great as baseball; he even goes so far as to say that it might be better. I can see how that might be true, but - being a girl - I've never played on a (real) football team, so I'm not in a position to make that judgment. Whatever the case may be, I'm loyal to the great American pastime.

What do you think?


Song of the day: "Stars" - Switchfoot


James said...

go white sox! thanks for stomping on Boston!

and football wins....

Libby said...

True. As long as the Red Sox and Yankees are out of the playoffs, all is not lost.

I think I'm gonna have to root for a NL team this year: maybe the Cardinals.

Anonymous said...

I would have been up for a rousing time of catch. . . I had my glove here for 3 years and only got to play a couple times with Brian over first semester freshman year. I just sent my glove away one week ago with Steven since I figured no one would ever want to play. . . Why is it that we never hang out? We enjoy a lot of the same things: softball, tennis, camping, going on walks

Libby said...

You can borrow my brother's glove sometime! We could also play tennis or go on a walk. I'm up for whatever. It's been a while since we've hung out, Nanc. Gotta do some of that before you go off and get married! :-P