Saturday, October 15, 2005

Post-concert adrenaline rush

After a day of insanity, I should have so much to write about, but my mind is currently a jumbled mess of inexpressible feelings and thoughts. Does anyone else ever feel like that? When people ask how I'm doing, I often have to stop and think about it, and even then I'm not quite sure. I should just say "I don't know" in order to avoid abandoning my [seemingly more important] train of thought.

It's silly to constantly keep tabs on your emotional state. Emotions fluxuate quickly, and thinking about how you feel only prolongs the current emotion and disrupts your natural flow of thoughts, feelings, and actions. The affect itself becomes the focus, preventing a change of emotion in response to environmental and cognitive alterations. (Does that make any sense?)

My venting just turned into a psychology lecture. I love my major. :) Before studying abroad, I wasn't as thrilled with psychology, but last semester I didn't have any psych classes and I really missed them. The plethera of history classes made me want to vomit (ok, it wasn't THAT bad), but all the Classics majors around me were totally stoked to be learning about rocks and dead languages. What put me to sleep amazed them. I realized a simple concept through those Classics weirdos...psychology isn't interesting to everyone, and history is intriguing to some people. (I know it's obvious, but it helped me to realize that psychology actually is a good fit for me.) But in all seriousness, I'm not sure about the sanity of those Classics majors...they are a weird bunch. They admit it, too.

I prefer to study revelent concepts, and as a human being, psychology is an extremely relevent discipline. Even when it comes to math, statistics is probably my favorite area of study. Unlike calculus, it's relevent. (Disclaimer: Calculus is probably relevent in engineering.) Speaking of irrelevance... This semester I am cursed with two history classes (Church History and Modern Civilization). I hate them. I absolutely hate them. There are much better things I can do with my time than memorize names and dates.

Man, sometimes I surprise myself in these blog entries. I'm gonna stop now, before I say something I'll regret. Thanks for reading. Adios.

~Libby the Stone(bridge)r

Song of the day: "My Offering" - Nichole Nordeman

1 comment:

Dave the Knave said...

You hated Modern Civ!?
Ok... i guess i'm one of those nerds who enjoys history. Though I have to say i think Marv Folkersma is one of the best lecturers ever...