Thursday, May 06, 2004

Thank God for blogs...they're a marvelous tool for procrastinating!

Study day at Grove City College. For most it translates into some extra time to hit the books, for some it means that they can sleep in one last time before finals start, and for the rest of us study day is an opportunity to mess around with friends for hours on end. Whether or not we wanted to goof off all day, that is what happened. Exploding cookies was my personal favorite moment, but many good times were had.

And the weekend looks promising for some more of that... Without thinking, I told Matt online that Amy and I have asked our friends to duct tape us to something in public, like a flagpole or tree or something. (Well, we didn't exactly ask them...we just said that we wouldn't put up a fight if they did it to us.) Matt then told Joe about this, and they decided that Saturday would be a good time to duct tape us. So yeah, sounds fun, huh? I'll have to remember to wear long sleeves so that my arm hair doesn't get ripped out.

Amy, Andy, and Kristin are all taking their first final at this very moment. Civ Arts is an easy final, so I'm sure they'll be alright. I, however, plan on getting torn apart by my upcoming finals. My lack of motivation to study is not going to help either. Oh well...5 days 'till summer!!!

On that note, I am going to try to get something done in the next few hours. Some of you are already done with finals, some are just finishing them up, and then there's us grovers. (Almost there...) No matter where you are on your finals schedule, have a great day! Thanks for bearing with me and reading my boring blog. :) Peace out.

~Lib Masta

Song of the day: "Summertime" - Mae

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