Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The cops searched my closet

Last week I came home from work and found my closet doors open. I knew that I had left them shut, so I asked my mom who had been in my closet. She answered, "Libby, the police searched your closet today."

I looked at her to see whether she was serious. When I saw that she was, I laughed, knowing that I had nothing incriminating to find. (Except for my marijuana plants, but I guess they didn't see those :) Then she told me the story...

Apparently, my mom was home alone and heard a noise upstairs, so she called the police. In her words, "two young guys with guns" were looking all around my room. I found that a little strange, especially since my clothes were scattered all around. I wasn't exactly expecting company, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Yeah, I know that was a lame story, and I'm sorry you just wasted precious time reading it. I really just wanted an excuse to say "the police searched my closet." And just so it's clear with everyone...I neither smoke nor grow marijuana. Gotta be careful with sarcasm on the internet.

Hmm... What else has happened? I got a 2nd degree sunburn on my hands at the Indians game on Sunday. An antibiotic that I'm taking makes me "photosensitive," which really stinks b/c I never wear sunscreen and now I have to. Po po! (whiny phrase in Greek)

Well... My hands are covered in super glue right now (don't ask) and typing is a little weird, so I'm out like parachute pants. Lata gata.


Song of the day: "Audience of One" - Big Daddy Weave

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cuh-razy weekend!

Ahh...finally a break from the insanity. It's been quite an exciting weekend in the Greene household. Brian's graduation party was yesterday. But, because my mama is a crazy-awesome planner, there were like 80 million decisions to make in the past week. Seriously. So I'm a little relieved that the party is over. (But don't get me wrong, it was really fun.) Around 7:00 last night, the people were gone and we were left with TONS of extra food. The 5 of us were tired out from the long day, so we rested up for the next celebration...Father's Day and Joe's birthday!

This morning my parents went to the early service at church to teach Sunday school while my brothers and I slept in (skippin' church...wu-oh). When they got home, the five of us left for the Jake to celebrate the double holiday. The Tribe game this afternoon was awesome. We had a solid win against the Diamondbacks, and the weather was perfect! After the game we went to the flats and walked around on the boardwalk. Then we drove to Mayfield and went out to dinner for Yo-G's birthday (I've called Joe that for a looong time). Joe chose Tony Roma's, which is typical for my brothers...they are both crazy about ribs.

After dinner, we drove straight home and prepared for the present-opening ritual. My mom had bought an ice cream cake for Joe, but more importantly...she also bought 5 cans of silly string, which were sitting out on the picnic table while my bros and I played frisbee. Without warning, Joe left and grabbed a can. He and my dad started going at it with the silly string, then the rest of us joined in. The silly string fight went on until all 5 bottles were empty. My dad was into the ear-shots, so after a couple minutes both of my ears were full of yellow foam. The lawn was decorated with green, blue, purple, yellow, and pink string. So was I. :)

Then came the ice cream cake and presents. Brian and I gave Joe some "gift certificates" redeemable for 2 rounds of golf. Last summer the 3 of us played a lot of golf together, so hopefully we will this summer too. Yay for new sports!

The game was great, dinner was good, silly string was a blast, hanging out at night was a good time, but my favorite part about today was the car rides. My bros and I were having a blast quoting Napoleon Dynamite and laughing about random stuff. Days like today - when my family is together and having an amazing time - are precious. There were years of fighting in the back seat...kicking, whining, slapping, name-calling. But now the 5 of us are's suh-weet!

Aight y'all... Thanks for reading my boring blog once again. Shout out to Abby the Mexican and all of my GCC buds. I miss you guys, and I'm really looking forward to hanging out again. Ab, you'll be home soon. And Grovers, school will be here before we know it! Yay for GCC... I haven't been there since first semester, and I am STOKED to go back!! TTYL peeps.

~Lib Masta Rasta

Song of the day: "Erosion" - Switchfoot